ISCC Automatic Risk Assessment (ARIA) Platform Online Training

ISCC ARIA Platform Online Training

On demand online training – participation to own schedule.

Fee Structure

  • 150 € + VAT


Palm oil is one of the most in-demand vegetable oils with a wide range of use cases from cosmetics and processed foods to biofuel. With the growth of the world population, so does the market demand for palm oil increase. This often leads to the expansion of palm plantations to tropical rainforest with a high biodiversity and to areas with high soil carbon stock such as peatlands and wetlands. To tackle this issue, the European Commission is considering new rules for improving the state of EU-driven deforestation and palm oil is one of the six commodities which must have a fully traceable supply chain and deforestation free sourcing.  To support the EU acting on global deforestation and forest degradation, GRAS (Global Risk Assessment Services) is contributing to the implementation of deforestation-free supply chains with introducing the Automatic RIsk Assessment (ARIA) platform which provides an easy–to–use and fully automated sustainability risk report within just a few minutes. ARIA is currently available for palm oil risk assessments over Indonesia and Malaysia which together account for more than 80% of the global palm oil production.

Benefits at a Glance

The ARIA report provides an initial assessment of the ISCC Principle 1 and 2 criteria regarding the protection of biodiverse and carbon-rich areas with the aid of innovative technologies. ARIA Reports support the decision-making process for auditors to assess and quantify environmental conditions of the farms and plantations that are going to be certified. In conclusion, the environmental conditions of farms which shall be certified are understood more deeply. 

How Will it be Implemented Into ISCC Certification?

ISCC will introduce the ARIA platform into its audit procedures in 3 steps:   

  1. Voluntary Phase: 1 November 2022 – 31 January 2023
  2. Transition Phase: 1 February – 30 April 2023
  3. Mandatory Phase: from 1 May 2023 in Malaysia and Indonesia

Target Group

Certification bodies, auditors, company representatives involved in ISCC certification or with an interest in plantation audits and land use assessments, NGOs, research bodies and authorities.

Important Note

This ISCC training DOES NOT replace the participation in a 3-day ISCC Basic Training for auditors, which is a mandatory requirement prior to conducting ISCC audits.

General Note

  • ISCC trainings are open for all interested parties
  • ISCC trainings are held in English (if not stated otherwise)
  • The training documents are provided to all participants in electronic form via download link
  • Participants should use their laptops for the training
  • In order to receive an Attestation of Participation, you must complete the entire online training from beginning to end in addition to passing all tests.

Payment and cancellation policy

Previous Trainings

  • July 2022, Online Training