Valid ISCC Certificates

Below you can find a list of all valid ISCC certificates and statements of conformity

ISCC certificates as issued by the certification body are valid for their indicated validity period even if they are not yet published on this website. ISCC lists the certificate information in the table below after receiving the relevant documentation from the certification body. The respective pdf files of the certificate and the summary audit report are published once the ISCC internal document review has been completed. Scope adjustments that took place during a recertification will be updated in the table during the ISCC internal document review.

  • ISCC certificates automatically fulfill compliance with SAI, Unilever, FEFAC etc. For further information, have a look at ISCC’s recognitions.
  • A certification according to the waste and residue process does not mean that EU Member States automatically accept the material as waste or residue.
  • A detail search and a list of abbreviations of the certified type of operation can be found below.
    For more information on the abbreviated table entries, drag the mouse over the relevant field in the table.
  • If you want to get notified when a certificate is withdrawn, please sign up here.

Valid Certificates

*Definition Abbreviations Certification Scopes:

BG = Biogas plant
BM = Biomethane plant
BP = Biodiesel plant
COF = Central Office (Group of farms/plantations)
COMP = Compounding plant 
COP = Central Office (Group of Points of Origin)
CP = Collecting Point (for waste/residue material not grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
CPP = Co-Processing plant
CR = Crushing plant
CV = Converter
EP = Ethanol plant
ET = ETBE plant
FA = Farm / Plantation
FG = First Gathering Point (for biomass grown/harvested on farms/plantations
FP = Food processing plant
FPR = Final Product Refinement
FSA = Forest sourcing area
HEFA = HEFA plant
HVO = HVO plant
ISHC = Central Office for Independent Smallholders
IPEL = Installation producing energy (electricity, heating or cooling) from bioliquids
IPES = Installation producing energy (electricity, heating or cooling) from solid biomass
IPER = Installation producing energy (electricity, heating or cooling) from raw biogas
IPEM = Installation producing energy (electricity, heating or cooling) from biomethane

LC = Logistic Center
LNGT = LNG terminal
LP = Liquefaction Plant
ML = Methanol plant
MP = Melting plant
MRP = Mechanical Recycling Plant
MT = MTBE plant
OM = Oil mill
OT = Other conversion unit
PM = Pulp mill
PO = Point of Origin
PoC-TR = Proof of Compliance Trader
PP = Polymerization plant
PU = Processing Unit
PWP = Plastic Waste Processor
PYP = Pyrolysis plant
RE = Refinery
SC = Cracker
SCP = Speciality Chemical Plant
SM = Sugar mill
TC = Transport Company
TR = Trader
TRS = Trader with storage
TW = Treatment plant for waste/ residues
WH = Warehouse
WR36 = acc. to 36th BImSchV (double counting of biofuels in Germany)

** Further details on add-ons can be found in the ISCC System Documents section.