Requirements for CBs

ISCC Requirements for Certification Bodies to Cooperate with ISCC

Certification bodies (CBs) recognized by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung – BLE) or by a competent national authority or accreditation body may cooperate with ISCC, if the requirements laid down in the ISCC System Document 103 “Requirements for Certification Bodies and Auditors” are met.

The requirements for CBs to be accredited under ISO 17065 lies in the fact that it provides an authoritative statement of the technical competence of the CBs in terms of certifying different kinds of agricultural and forest biomass, biogenic waste and residues, non-biological renewable materials and recycled carbon-based materials, as well as the elements of their supply chains and for different sectors and markets, including energy, food, feed and industrial applications.

To apply for cooperation with ISCC, the potential certification body is required to fill out the below Assessment Protocol. In the Assessment Protocol, the potential certification body is required to clearly indicate how compliance with the applicable ISCC requirements (laid down in ISCC EU System Document 103) will be ensured. Additionally, we require information about the markets and regions the potential certification body intends to cover.

Please send the filled-out document together with relevant documentation such as the Accreditation Certificate to for our review.

ISCC Requirements for Certification Bodies to Carry out Audits

Auditors from cooperating certification bodies review the compliance with the standard of the ISCC certification system to provide a basis for the issuance of certificates. 

The competences of certification bodies and the appointed auditors are key factors for the success of the certification programme. Trainings will acquaint them with the requirements of the ISCC standard. Know-how about no-go areas, traceability, mass balance methodology and greenhouse gas accounting is a crucial element of the qualification. In these respective areas the auditors have to bring with them some basic knowledge.

Further Information

The scope of this document covers the requirements on how the risk management process under ISCC is applied to all activities of ISCC and the implications of risks for ISCC audits.

This document lays down the requirements for Certification Bodies to become recognised by ISCC, and the duties of ISCC-recognised CBs performing certification services for ISCC. Furthermore, this document lays down the requirements for and necessary qualifications of auditors conducting ISCC audits.

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