When should default or actual values be used?
Total (TDVs) and disaggregated default values(DDVs) are provided by the RED II in Annex V and Annex VI. These default values reflect biofuel, bioliquid and biomass fuel supply chains and processes, and are conservative estimates. Default values listed in Annex V and Annex VI can be applied only if the process technology, raw material and transport distance (for solid biomass fuels) used for the production of thefuel match the respective scope of the default value. Please note that not with all default values, the minimum GHG savings are achieved.
Therefore, also individually calculated GHG values or “actual values” can/must be calculated based on the RED II methodology (Annex V and Annex VI) and ISCC’s specifications (ISCC EU 205). Individual calculations of GHG emissions must always be conducted at the point in the supply chain where they originate (e.g. emissions from cultivation can only be determined at the farm/plantation or the central office or the FGP of a group of farmers). It is not possible to calculate actual values retrospectively for elements of the upstream supply chain. For the calculation of “actual values” all relevant inputs of an economic operator must be considered.