Overview of Voluntary and National Schemes Accepted by ISCC
This section provides an overview of the voluntary and national schemes that are accepted by ISCC. The requirements described in the ISCC System Documents apply.
ISCC reserves the right to withdraw the acceptance of schemes in case of, for example, bankruptcy or indication of fraud of an accepted scheme. ISCC informs all relevant ISCC System Users and cooperating Certification Bodies through an ISCC System Update about the withdrawal of the acceptance. The information on this page is also updated accordingly.
All voluntary schemes and national schemes that are formally recognised by the European Commission in the framework of the RED II are accepted under ISCC EU. ISCC EU continues to accept voluntary and national schemes that have successfully passed the preliminary assessment by the European Commission for the formal recognition under RED II* (i.e. are technically compliant with RED II). Materials certified under those schemes can be accepted by ISCC EU certified operators as “EU RED COMPLIANT” or equivalent.
*Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Accepted Schemes
- List of all schemes that have been approved by the European Commission
Based on an assessment, ISCC can recognise the equivalence of existing approaches operated by governmental authorities that ensure compliance with the waste and residue requirements under ISCC. For points of origins covered by such an approach this means that the respective Collecting Point does not need to receive and manage self-declarations from the supplying Points of Origin and the risk-based auditing of the Points of Origin as part of the certification process of the Collecting Point is generally not required (unless there is indication of non-conformity or fraud).
Those accepted approaches can be applied both under ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.
Accepted Approaches Operated by Governmental Authorities
- Dutch Manure system (login required for further information)
The under ISCC EU accepted approaches, operated by governmental authorities, are also accepted under ISCC PLUS. The acceptance of voluntary schemes other than ISCC requires at least a positive equivalence benchmark. Currently, other certification schemes than ISCC are not accepted under ISCC PLUS.
In order to show that the entire supply chain from the farm/plantation or point of origin was solely certified under ISCC, certified suppliers (certified under ISCC DE, ISCC EU or ISCC PLUS) must state ISCC COMPLIANT for delivered material.
Raw materials cultivated in Germany or Austria that meet the SAI GOLD COMPLIANT are eligible for acceptance under ISCC PLUS as SAI GOLD COMPLIANT. Additionally, materials certified as SAI SILVER COMPLIANT can also be accepted under ISCC PLUS. In this case, the SAI Silver level must be clearly declared, and the SAI SILVER COMPLIANT level mark will be retained for the specified quantities.
Based on an assessment, ISCC can recognise the equivalence of existing approaches operated by governmental authorities that ensure compliance with the waste and residue requirements under ISCC. Please see above under ISCC EU for further information.
All the Sustainability Certification Schemes (SCSs) that are formally approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the framework of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) are accepted under ISCC CORSIA. For more information about the current CORSIA approved Sustainability Certification Schemes please consult the related ICAO document.