Essential Information on the Union Database (UDB)

The RED II envisions the application of a “Union Database” (UDB) for biofuels and bioliquids (see Art. 28(2) Directive (EU) 2018/2001 – RED II). The database aims to ensure the traceability of liquid and gaseous biofuels that are eligible for being counted towards the share of renewable energy in the transport sector in any Member State (MS).

Which companies will need to use the UDB?

All ISCC EU certified system users – in the UDB context referred to as Economic Operators (EOs) – will need to use the UDB to register their transactions of ISCC EU certified material.

During audits, auditors must verify that the information entered into the UDB is accurate and consistent with the audited data. The European Commission (EC) still needs to clarify whether Certification Bodies (CBs) will need to access the UDB to check the mass balances and transactions of the EOs they certify.

What is the role of a Voluntary Scheme and what is the role of a Service Provider? 

In the UDB, all Voluntary Schemes (VSs) recognized by the EC within the scope of the RED II are required to provide certain information to the UDB. ISCC is working with the EC to fulfil its obligations in this regard.

Voluntary Schemes are not required to act as Service Providers (SP) for the UDB. ISCC initially intended to operate in this role but has suspended this plan for the time being (see our update from 12 January). ISCC will become a SP once the UDB is fully functional and all organizational, legal and governance issues have been resolved.

The role of an SP within the UDB is to provide EOs an alternative way to enter transaction data into the UDB without logging into the UDB directly or connecting their IT systems to the UDB directly.

3rd party SP has to be approved by the VSs. The approval process of a SP is still unclear and governance, legal and data security requirements for a SP are not yet defined.

Which parties are responsible for uploading data to the UDB?

The parties listed below will be responsible for the upload of the following data:

Voluntary Schemes:

  • Registering CBs and inviting their lead users (i.e., the main CB contact person for ISCC)
  • Registering EOs and inviting their lead users (i.e., the first contact person for the certified site listed with ISCC)
  • Adding certificate information of EOs

Economic Operators:

  • Accept lead user invitation sent by VS
  • Lead user invites further users within organization
  • Verify EO information and amend if changes are required
  • Upload transaction information

How will the UDB work?

The most important functions for EOs in the UDB are managing their basic data and managing transactions of incoming and outgoing sustainable material.

In the UDB, a lead user will be created for each EO based on the first contact person for the company listed in the ISCC database. Within the UDB, the lead user will have the ability to add additional users from within the company for the EO via the “Manage Users” function.

Users can create transactions in the UDB. Users will be able to enter the material they currently have in stock when they first use the UDB and will then manage the amounts of incoming and outgoing material by creating outgoing transactions or receiving incoming transactions.

The aim is that the entire supply chain from the production of agricultural raw materials or generation of waste/residues is recorded in the UDB. For First Gathering Points / Collecting Points, this means that their supplying farms or points of origin will need to be documented in the UDB and deliveries from these farms / points of origin will be entered in the UDB. Similarly, all dependent warehouses and dependent collecting points covered by group certification will need to be recorded so that material can be traced at every location it is stored.

How can I connect to the UDB?

There are three options for the Economic Operators (EOs) to connect with and manage transactions in the UDB:

Option 1: EOs can manage their transactions in the UDB with the built-in web interface.
Option 2: EOs can use a third-party SP, who is connected to the UDB.
Option 3: EOs can connect their own IT System via an end-point owned by VS* or 3rd party SP to the UDB end-point.

*ISCC is currently discussing governance and technicalities with the UDB Team.

FAQs on the Union Database

We answer more frequently asked questions on the Union Database in our general FAQ section.