EU-Reporting for the Calendar Year 2024

According to the Renewable Energy Directive or RED II (Directive (EU) 2018/2001), each recognised voluntary certification scheme, including ISCC EU, is obliged to send a report to the European Commission every year. This report has to include the amounts of sustainable material (feedstock, biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels) certified by the scheme in the previous calendar year.

To fulfill this legal requirement, ISCC is obliged to collect the data from the ISCC EU System Users that were certified at any point in 2024.

You can copy and paste information such as the company name and ISCC Registration Number from the email that was sent to you by ISCC recently (Subject: ISCC EU Reporting for the Calendar Year 2024). Please note that you can only open this webpage by using the link provided in the email.

Please carefully read the information in the FAQs below, as they will help you to complete the form correctly.

Please only enter full numbers into the field “Amounts”. We ask you to round decimal numbers to full numbers.

Do not use any commas, full stops, decimal points etc.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Frequently Asked Questions

For which period do I have to report the amounts?

Please provide the amounts of raw materials and/or biofuels that were handled as sustainable under ISCC EU at any point when you were covered by the ISCC EU certification in the calendar year 2024. This option is set as default in the form, so you do not have to change this.

Should you have to make a correction to the amounts reported for the calendar year 2023 please select “2023” accordingly in the field for “Year”.

Which certification scopes are relevant for the reporting?

You are requested to complete the form if you were certified in 2024 under one or more of the following scopes:

  • First Gathering Point
  • Central Office for Farms/Plantations
  • Farm/Plantation (individual certification)
  • Collecting Point
  • Central Office for Points of Origin
  • Point of Origin (individual certification)
  • Biofuel/bioliquid/biomass fuel producers (i.e. processing units such as biodiesel plants or ethanol plants producing the final product)

Please select the applicable option under “Certified Scope” (only one option can be chosen). Depending on the selected option, the pull-down menu under “Type of Product” will automatically adjust and will only show the applicable options to select (see also next question).


Oil mills only classify as final producer if they produce vegetable oil that is directly used for electricity or heat production. An oil mill is not classified as final biofuel producer if the vegetable oil is further processed into biodiesel.

The following amounts must not be reported to ISCC: Amounts of intermediate products (e.g. covered by the certification scope of an oil mill or refinery) and amounts of sustainable materials that were only traded and/or stored (i.e. covered under the certification scopes trader and/or warehouse or logistics centre).

What types of product and amounts do I have to report?

You have to report sustainable raw materials (feedstocks) if you were certified under one or more of the following scopes:

  • First Gathering Points
  • Central Office for Farms/Plantations
  • Farm/Plantation (individually certified)
  • Collecting Point for waste and residues
  • Central Office for Points of Origin
  • Point of Origin for waste and residues (individually certified)

In this case, please select under “Type of Product” the option “Raw material (feedstocks)”.

  • First Gathering Pointsshall report the amount of agricultural raw material (including agricultural crop residues) received in the calendar year 2024 from farms or plantations which have signed the ISCC EU self-declaration/self-assessment (non-certified suppliers). Amounts received from certified suppliers (e.g. individually certified farms or other certified First Gathering Points shall not be reported to ISCC to avoid multiple counting of these amounts.
  • Individually certified Farms/Plantations or Central Offices for Farms/Plantationsshall report the amount of agricultural raw material (including agricultural crop residues) supplied as sustainable under the ISCC EU certificate in the calendar year 2024.
  • Collecting Pointsshall report the amount of waste or residues received in the calendar year 2024 from points of origin, which have completed the ISCC EU self-declaration (non-certified suppliers). Amounts received from certified suppliers (e.g. individually certified points of origin or other certified Collecting Points) shall not be reported to ISCC to avoid multiple counting of these amounts.
  • Individually certified Points of Origin or Central Offices for Points of Originshall report the amount of waste or residues generated and supplied as sustainable under the ISCC EU certificate in the calendar year 2024.

You have to report sustainable biofuels/bioliquids/biomass fuels if you were certified as:

Producer of biofuels/bioliquids/biomass fuels (e.g. biodiesel plants, bioethanol plants, HVO plants etc.).
In this case, please select under “Type of Product” the applicable biofuels (e.g. biodiesel, bioethanol, HVO, biomethane etc.).

  • Biofuel/Bioliquid/Biomass fuel Producersshall report the amount of biofuel produced and supplied into the market under the ISCC EU certificate in the calendar year 2024. Here, the applicable type(s) of products (such as biodiesel, bioethanol, HVO, biomethane, etc.) have to be selected one by one.

Do I have to complete the form even if I have no sustainable amounts to report?

You have to complete the online reporting form if you have received the email from ISCC with the request to do so.

If you have no sustainable material to report for the requested calendar year, please click the box “Zero material to declare”. Please also complete any other fields that are marked as mandatory.

What do I have to report to ISCC if my company was also certified under other voluntary schemes?

If a company was certified under ISCC EU and other voluntary schemes recognised by the European Commission than ISCC EU, only the amounts declared as sustainable under ISCC EU must be reported to ISCC.

What is meant by “country of origin”?

The information “country of origin” refers to the country where the raw material came from that entered the supply chain.

For agricultural raw materials (including agricultural crop residues) this is the country where the farm/plantation was located that supplied the agricultural raw material. 

For waste and residue raw materials this is the country where the point of origin was located that generated the waste or residue.

Note: Biofuel producer must state the country of origin of the raw material that was used to produce the biofuel. This information can be found on the sustainability declarations provided by the supplier of the sustainable input material that was used to produce the biofuel/bioliquid/biomass fuel.

How do I enter the amounts correctly in the form?

Please only enter full numbers into the field “Amounts”.

Please round decimal numbers to full numbers.

Do not use any commas, full stops, decimal points etc.

Example 1: “2507” instead of “2.507,32”

Example 2: “15” instead of “14.75”

The amounts must be reported in metric tons (mt). Only in the case of biomethane and gaseous products the amount has to be reported in cubic meters (m3). The applicable unit will be set automatically in the field “Unit”, depending on the “Type of Product” chosen. Please make sure the numerical figure you enter refers to the quantity of product in mt (or m3 if the product entered is a gaseous final product).

How can I correct the information provided to ISCC in the online form?

If you have detected a mistake in the amounts that you reported to ISCC or if you have missed to report some information, you can correct this. In order to do so, please complete and submit the online form again. Please note that you have to complete again ALL fields (including all materials and amounts that were reported correctly) and not only the ones that need correction or are newly added. ISCC receives the online forms in chronological order. ISCC will regard the last online form submitted by you as the valid one.

Can I see some examples how to correctly report the sustainable amounts?

You can download some examples on how to report the sustainable amounts correctly here:

What happens with the information that I provide in this online form?

Please be assured that ISCC will treat all company specific data with utmost confidentiality.

Once you enter the information and submit it though the online form, you receive an automatic reply. This does not equal to confirmation of processing of the reported amounts.

Only after ISCC has received and processed the reported amounts, a confirmation email (“Confirmation of EU Reporting Data for the Calendar Year 2023”) will be sent to you with an overview of the reported amounts. Please note that this can take some time as ISCC receives high volumes of reports.

You must document this confirmation email and the attached overview of the reported amounts and make it available to your certification body/auditor during the next audit. The auditor will verify if your company has complied with the reporting obligation and if the reported amounts (as confirmed by ISCC) were correct.

To fulfill its reporting obligation to the European Commission, ISCC aggregates the amounts of sustainable material reported by the companies and submits the anonymised information to the European Commission.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, please contact ISCC at

EU-Reporting Form

Please enter ISCC Registration Number - only numerical digits but not certificate number, Example: for ISCC-Reg-1234 please only enter 1234
If there was zero ISCC material handled in this year please click here:

Please fill in the relevant information

Only full numbers without decimal, dot or comma. No zero values.
(will be completed automatically)

Please report only the oil content of POME!

I declare that the information provided in the form is complete and truthful, and I am aware that the information will be reviewed by the certification body during the next audit. *