ISCC Stakeholder Committees

As a multi-stakeholder initiative, ISCC puts major emphasis on a regular stakeholder exchange. Regional and Technical Stakeholder Committees form an integral part of the ISCC Association and are intended to support a constructive dialogue on the continuous development of the ISCC system. Stakeholder Committees are appointed by the Board of the ISCC Association to facilitate the discussion of topics with high practical relevance. The members of the Stakeholder Committees contribute with their professional know-how to the relevant topics. Practical experiences are discussed and, where possible, lead to improvements of the ISCC system. Stakeholder Committees are conducted on a regular basis. For documentation purposes, the presentations are available for download from the ISCC website for three years.


Members of the ISCC Association, certification bodies and companies using the ISCC system may participate in the Stakeholder Committees. Membership in the ISCC Association is no precondition for joining Regional and Technical Stakeholder Committees. The cooperation of certification bodies involved in the ISCC System is explicitly desired. Furthermore, adequate organisations may cooperate if required.


Each Stakeholder Committee is led by a Chair or Co-Chairs, elected for a period of three years.
Together with the ISCC System GmbH, the Co-Chairs support the regular conduction of the respective Stakeholder meeting, aid in developing the agenda and identifying relevant topics to discuss and may steer and moderate the meetings. If required, they also help establish working groups on specific issues under the umbrella of the Stakeholder Committee.

Regional Stakeholder Committees

Technical Stakeholder Committees

Further Markets