Octobre 31, 2022
On 18 October 2022, we held the 12th ISCC Regional Stakeholder Meeting Southeast Asia. It was our first hybrid meeting with 48 onsite participants in Jakarta and over 200 online participants!
The meeting began with ISCC Managing Director Andreas Feige highlighting that since the last meeting in Jakarta in 2017, the number of regional ISCC certificates more than doubled from 360 to 780, with waste and residues being the driving force, but also oil mills added. However, he also acknowledged the upcoming challenges posed by European Union legislation. The meeting therefore presented an excellent opportunity to discuss the future of certification in Southeast Asia.
The first session of the day focused on POME oil as a sustainable feedstock. During a panel discussion representatives of stakeholders along the supply chain – supplier, trader, buyer, and certification body – commented on the certification process for POME oil, including the guidelines outlined in the ISCC Guidance Document for Waste and Residues from Palm Oil Mills. The document was well received and much appreciated as it removed many question marks. By clearly defining POME oil (or, as it has also been called, “golden oil”) the guidance increases the credibility of the feedstock and strengthens integrity. The most highlighted challenge was the practical implementation of the mandatory annual on-site audits at palm oil mills, some of which are located very remotely.
The second session focused on new directions in certification issues. Opportunities for ISCC certified products made from bio-circular and circular feedstocks were highlighted, as was the certification of palm oil and PKS as feedstocks for power generation in Japan. ISCC explained in detail its digitalization efforts and introduced the soon-to-be-launched ISCC Hub, a platform for system users and certification bodies to register and submit documents. The ARIA platform was launched, which is available for palm plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia and can produce fully automated, comprehensive plantation-level risk reports within one business day. Participants further learned about the possibility of carbon credit certification through ClimatePal, a recently established company.
The third session consisted of a panel discussion on sustainable aviation. Singapore’s actions towards a sustainable air hub were presented, from reducing energy consumption at existing terminals to adopting sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and improving air traffic management. ISCC highlighted that many feedstocks relevant to the Southeast Asian market, such as POME, FFB, EFB, UCO, PFAD and crude glycerin, can be certified under ISCC EU, PLUS and CORSIA for the production of SAF. For crops, ISCC offers an ICAO-approved certification process with low LUC risk.
After two years of online meetings, onsite participants have let us know that they greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet in person again and the associated increased networking opportunities. At the same time, we see a big benefit in the higher number of attendees due to online meetings. Hybrid meetings really do combine the best of both worlds, which is why ISCC is aiming to offer them on a regular basis in the future. For now, we thank all participants and speakers for their participation and fruitful discussions!