March 23, 2018
ISCC is delighted to announce that the Cooperative Makarti from Jambi, Indonesia has received the very first ISCC certificate for independent smallholders. The official handover of the certificate will take place on March 26 in Jambi City, Indonesia.
The certificate is based on an innovative smallholder approach, which was developed as part of Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership project co-funded by MCA Indonesia. The main goal was to enable smallholders to achieve certification and by this guarantee that the FFBs are fully traceable and do not come from deforested areas. The implementation of the project was facilitated by Meo Carbon Solutions and SNV Indonesia.
ISCC has developed a completely new certification program bringing the group certification for palm oil smallholders to a new level. This program reduces the burden, risks and costs for independent smallholders without compromising the sustainability requirements. The ISCC certification means for the smallholder farmers higher incomes, enabling them to sell their fully traceable palm oil at the international market at a competitive price, taking away the need to further expand into forested areas.