June 24, 2023
ISCC is a member of the Food for Biodiversity Association, which is an initiative aimed at promoting biodiversity throughout global supply chains in the food sector. The association brings together conservation groups, research institutes, standards organisations, food producers and retailers.
The association´s strategy is to develop best practice techniques that will be tested in pilot projects on farms. Association members and farmers will jointly set up the projects and apply a set of biodiversity criteria, which includes specifications on the protection of primary (natural) ecosystems, semi-natural habitats, protected areas, and water bodies, the management of riparian buffer strips, as well as requirements related to invasive alien species and wild harvesting. Good agricultural practice criteria will address soil management (fertilization, erosion, crop rotation), pest management, water use and agro-biodiversity.
The pilots can address a wide range of crops and agricultural production methods, including considerations for different climates and biomes. Starting with a base evaluation of the conditions on a farm, farmers will be supported in setting up their tailor-made Biodiversity Action Plan, that will provide the framework for the implementation of biodiversity promoting measures. The monitoring of improvements, challenges and associated costs can be facilitated by applying a purpose-built Biodiversity Performance Tool.
ISCC is currently looking for partners interested in jointly promoting biodiversity friendly practices. If you are interested in participating in a pilot project, please feel free to contact ISCC here.