ISCC Whistleblower Tool
We at ISCC are committed to enhancing our certification procedures to prevent severe non-conformities and to ensure compliance with the ISCC standard. To achieve this, we take information on potential non-conformities with our requirements very seriously. We established the web-based ISCC Whistleblower Tool to allow for an easy and quick reporting procedure. All information is investigated shortly after the receipt by the authorised ISCC personnel. If you want to report on Whistleblower information to ISCC, please follow the steps outlined hereafter.
How to use the ISCC Whistleblower Tool?
Everyone can submit so-called Whistleblower reports, including the general public, ISCC system users, licensees, members, certification bodies, other stakeholders, and ISCC employees. Whistleblower Reports should be submitted via the dedicated Whistleblower Tool. The purpose of the ISCC Whistleblower Tool is to receive information, if needed anonymously, to help us detect non-conform behaviour related to the ISCC System requirements and guidelines. This includes allegations on severe non-conformities, such as fraudulent activities. The Whistleblower Tool can also be used to report on grievances with the ISCC system or ISCC employees.
Multiple Submission Options: You have the flexibility to submit reports in various ways, making it convenient for all. Our reporting tool accommodates a wide range of file formats (e.g., PDF, PNG, docx, SVG, mp4, bmp, Ovi, and more), and you can also provide reports in 31 different languages. The tool is accessible without any restriction – simply click on the link below.
Anonymous Reporting: You can choose to submit reports anonymously by refraining from providing any personal identifying information. However, we encourage you to include your contact information for more effective follow-up. Rest assured, we will only share this information with our authorized ISCC personnel responsible for Whistleblower Reports and relevant departments or authorities as necessary, and always with your explicit consent (exceptions may apply in official investigations or legal proceedings).
Step-by-step process:

Welcome Page:
Start by visiting the ISCC Whistleblower Tool’s welcome page, where you will find legal information on the usage of the tool.

Access Report Area:
From the welcome page, navigate to the report area, where you will find details on reporting violations. You can do so by clicking “Submit a report”.

Create Your Report:
When creating a report, provide the following information: company involved, category of your concern, date, location, individuals affected, specific details, and any supporting documents. In the section “Details of your report” we kindly ask you to summarise the content of your report. Please also provide as many details as available on the context.

Anonymous Reporting:
You have the option to remain fully anonymous. While filling in the next step is optional, we recommend providing your information for more effective follow-up.

Submission Confirmation:
If you choose to stay anonymous, you will receive login details after submitting the report to access your report and messages. The login details are shown on the screen and downloaded automatically in a .txt format. With these login details you can access your report at all time.

Consent Approval:
Before submission, you will be asked to approve a declaration of consent.

Review and Validation:
Finally, you can review a summary of your report and complete a CAPTCHA for validation. By clicking “Send Report”, your Whistleblower Report is submitted and automatically stored in the ISCC Whistleblower Tool.
Once you submit your report, it will be received by our authorised ISCC employees responsible for Whistleblower Reports.

1. Confirmation of Receipt:
After submitting your report, you will see your login credentials on the screen to access the tool. After logging in, you will be able to see the message you received through the tool confirming the receipt of your report. Please always check whether the receipt of your report was confirmed.
2. Email Updates:
If you choose to provide your contact information, you will receive updates via email. You will also receive a confirmation link to verify your email address. If you choose to report anonymously, you have to login with your login details to check on updates.
3. Initial Update:
Within one month after submitting your report, you will receive an update regarding whether the report will proceed or not proceed, and if additional evidence or documents should be included.
4. Outcome:
ISCC aims to communicate an update regarding the status of the internal investigation and review of the Whistleblower Report within three months. If a non-conformity is detected as a result of the process, the rules and consequences laid out in the relevant ISCC documents apply. The relevant documents, depending on the subjects involved in the specific complaint case, include i.e. the “ISCC EU 102 – Governance” and “ISCC EU 103 – Requirements for Certification Bodies and Auditors”, as well as the contractual basis between ISCC and its System Users (ISCC Terms of Use) and ISCC and Cooperating Certification Bodies (ISCC Cooperation Agreement and Terms of Certification).