Licensing Process

Steps to an ISCC License

1. Application

Apply for the ISCC licensing scheme by filling in the license application form.

2. ISCC Review

ISCC will internally review the request and may ask for additional information.

3. License Agreements

ISCC sends the master- and individual agreement(s) to the licensee to be signed by the legal representative(s).

4. License Database

ISCC will publish the finished goods in the ISCC license database with the effective date that has been set in the license agreement(s). The licensee is allowed to use the ISCC logos and claims upon prior approval by ISCC.

5. Use of ISCC Logos and/or Claims

Thoroughly read the ISCC Document 208 ‘Logos and Claims’ below and apply for the use of the ISCC logos and/or an ISCC claim by filling out the logo application form.

6. Reporting

Licensees are required to report the volumes of certified incoming material and certified outgoing finished goods on an annual basis. The licensee is required to:

The report shall be submitted the latest on 31 March for the previous year.

Further Information

ISCC Document 208 “Logos and Claims (1.3)”

The purpose of this document is to protect ISCC’s integrity by ensuring that ISCC logos and ISCC claims are used consistently, accurately and in an understandable manner. With this document, ISCC intends to support businesses, organisations, and project partners in making credible claims and developing marketing and communications materials that promote their commitment to sourcing sustainable materials.