WWF Germany and IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL)

Setting a New Bar for Deforestation-and Conversion-free Soy in Europe Independent benchmark of soy standards on essential sustainability requirements

Representing WWF and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Netherlands, Profundo conducted a benchmark comparing the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation Soy Sourcing Guidelines (FEFAC SSG) and 20 Voluntary Standard Systems (VSS), including ISCC EU and PLUS. The benchmark aimed at updating and expanding the previous one, named Soy Voluntary Sustainability Standards benchmark, from 2019.

The 20 VSS were benchmarked against 49 basic provisions and 11 additional requirements focusing on objective of achieving deforestation and conversion-free soy production, safeguarding of human rights, ensuring CoC transparency and traceability, and a high assurance level (Profundo Report, 2023).

On the overall benchmarking result, ISCC EU and PLUS scored 79,5%. According to the report, together with five other VSS, ISCC comes forth as the best-in-class standard, demonstrating high levels of forest and ecosystem protection, reliable social safeguards, adequate traceability, good governance, and transparent independent assurance.
