WWF Benchmarking – ISCC Performance Improvement

Searching for Sustainability – Comparative Analysis of Certification Schemes for Biomass Used for the Production of Biofuels

Report from November 2013

In this study the WWF evaluated all 13 certification schemes recognised by the European Commission under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) at that time. The WWF measured the certification schemes against the WWF’s sustainability criteria and highlighted the sustainability value for each scheme as well as areas for improvement. The benchmarking study lists strengths and weaknesses and offers recommendations for improvement. This benchmarking was an open study, conducted by the independent consultancy PwC. Feedback and rectifications from the schemes concerned were possible.

The 2013 benchmark study acknowledged ISCC as one of the best performing certification systems but also indicated points for improvement. This opened the opportunity for ISCC to enter into a constructive dialogue with the WWF. As a result the ISCC system has undergone an improvement that addressed the points of improvement as indicated by the WWF benchmarking study. The adjustments have been incorporated in the ISCC System document 202.

ISCC has adapted its assessment based on the improvement points.
It has also adapted the sustainability criteria. With this, ISCC calculated an overall improvement of nearly 30%.