April 23, 2018
Biogas and products derived from it are increasingly important for a low carbon economy. It is a well-established source for electricity and heat. As biomethane (upgraded biogas) it is used as clean transport fuel with less particulates and acid gases, and as biomethanol it is applied as building block in the chemical industry.
Biogas can be produced from a range of wastes: organic household waste, agricultural waste (e.g. manure, sewage or sugar beet residues), and industry waste (e.g. residues from the brewing and distilling industry), and its solid residue left is appreciated as effective fertilizer. The processing of those wastes into biogas is an important measure to prevent methane from being discharged into the atmosphere where it would have a high climate impact.
Sustainability certification is key to maximising the economic and environmental benefits of biogas and biomethane. ISCC certification is increasingly used to prove the sustainability and greenhouse gas savings of biogas and biomethane.