26 February 2024
The German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ) only recently awarded ISCC with the 2023 Top Sustainability Engagement Award, certifying the company’s commitment to sustainability and the impact it makes.
Sustainability is a buzz word and making headline news. And this for a good reason. However, for ISCC it is more: it is at the core of the business, right from the start. In close collaboration with multiple stakeholders, ISCC developed and provides a certification scheme for traceable and sustainable supply chains, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Andreas Feige, Managing Director at ISCC states: “We are very pleased to be awarded for the work we do and the commitment we show. Sustainability and climate change mitigation are not only the centre of our business, but also our mindset. It is our goal to make a difference and provide the necessary instruments and guidance to support the transition to a greener world.”
In face of climate change, corporate commitments as well as numerous legislations, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing transparency in supply chains becomes increasingly crucial. The same applies to ensuring that human and labor rights are respected in biomass and raw material production.
“To date, more than 10.000 ISCC certificates are active in more than 130 countries around the world and demand is growing. In the future, we will see even more sustainable feedstock being certified and used. Thus, we will continue focusing on providing transparent and future-proof solutions for greater environmental, economic and social impact”, adds Feige.
The German Institute for Service Quality conducts media competitor analysis in the German market, aiming to identify companies that are best-in-class in service and give them credit for their performance and service offering. In 2023, DISQ considered ISCC to be a top performer in its sustainability engagement category.